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British Values

British Values


All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils’ SMSC development, schools can also demonstrate they are actively promoting fundamental British values.


There are four British Values:




British Values Action Plan



British Value


Actions to achieve outcomes


Individual Liberty

Children are aspirational and ambitious, develop confidence and resilience, make choices and take responsibility.

Current interests and ambitions recognised as well as opportunities for children to discover new ones.

Have a voice and are taught to question and challenge if they are unsure.

Challenge stereotypes.

Manage risks and keep themselves safe including online.

Our school vision is consistently reinforced and encourages everyone to become a resilient and reflective learner.

Through the school curriculum, teachers provide children opportunities to be aspirational, learn to challenge themselves and develop confidence and resilience.

Children’s achievements celebrated in Collective Worship and in the school newsletter.

Whole school system introduced encouraging children to raise their hand and say, ‘I would like to challenge that’.

PSHE sessions covering stereotypes and keeping themselves safe.

Weekly current affairs assembly exposing children to a range of issues allowing new interests to develop.

Whether it be through choice of challenge, of how they record, of participation in our numerous extracurricular clubs and opportunities: pupils are given the freedom to make choices.

Opportunities are also taken to explore that with individual liberty and freedom comes responsibilities to the local community and the wider world.


Rule of Law

Have high expectations of their own and others’ behaviour.

Understand the importance of rules and laws and know that everyone is responsible for them.

Understand that rules are there to protect them.



Our school vision is consistently reinforced and identifies children and staff feel safe and supported in the school.  

Behaviour policy update, ensuring all staff and pupils follow so systems are consistent.

Playground incidents log developed so recurring issues flagged.

Visits from authorities such as the Police; Fire Service; Road Safety Officers etc. are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message.

Playground buddies.

Current affairs assemblies linking to rule of law.

Clear expectations for all pupils displayed around the school.

Each family is provided with a Code of Conduct.



Have a voice, know it will be heard and can listen to others.

Have opportunities to express their views given throughout the day and support in place for those who find this difficult.

Know how the local council and parliament operate.

Peacefully challenge perceived injustices.

School Council to be elected then promote and model the democratic system.

Visit from local MP.

Debate to be modelled and take place in literacy session.

Debate encouraged during our weekly current affairs assembly.

Weekly current affairs assemblies provide emotion response grids and emotion bears to support children in expressing emotions and views.

Whole school system introduced encouraging children to raise their hand and say, ‘I would like to challenge that’.

Pupil questionnaires to ensure children’s voices are heard.

Weekly Learning Forums where children have the opportunity to express their views.

Children involved in selecting charities to be supported throughout the year.

Children to decide on their class flag and rules for the classroom.

Collective Worship council



Mutual respect and tolerance

Understand that people’s faiths and beliefs are different and respect that

Understand that not everyone’s life is the same

Demonstrate respect for other people’s ideas, views and opinions even if they differ from their own

Respect themselves, others, school, the environment.

Demonstrate respect and tolerance through speech, behaviour and body language.

RE/PSHE lessons

We provide opportunities for children to learn to respect others through our curriculum enrichment days e.g. visits from people from other cultures and traditions  and trips to different places of worship.

Weekly current affairs assemblies exposing children to a range of topics including culture, religion, social, moral, environment, politics.

Respect and tolerance modelled through real-life learning.

Community links established

Working towards the Inclusion and Diversity Mark

We support events such as ‘Anti Bullying Week’

We consistently reinforce our school value of ‘respect’

