Collective Worship Timetable
Worship is held at 9:05am every day and lasts twenty minutes. Each half-term, there is a different theme which our Collective Worship focuses on. Each week, we provide the opportunity to listen to bible stories, respond to big questions, sing songs and celebrate the achievement of children in our school. There is also the opportunity to reflect and pray every day.
We use Big Start Assemblies as an engaging and interactive way to introduce themes and stories for the week.
Our worship consists of 4 stages:
- At our ‘Gathering’, we welcome the school community with a liturgical greeting and by lighting a candle.
- At our ‘Engaging’ we have the leader’s main input into the act of Worship. We engage the pupils by sharing a core message. This may be through a Bible reading and pupil activity.
- This is followed with a ‘Responding’ opportunity. These are opportunities for pupils and staff to reflect upon this message and the impact that it has on their lives today. This may be through prayer, quiet reflection, activity, song or discussion.
- We conclude our Collective Worship by ’Sending’ out. We close our worship through one or more of the following elements – a final message, Bible verse, a challenge, song, prayer, music, liturgy and blowing out of the candle. The messages in our Collective Worship may be followed up on in classes or in further acts of Collective Worship.