We have been learning actions for some songs which remind us about courage. Enjoy watching the children perform Be Bold, Be Strong and Joshua 1:9.

We looked at the quote from Joshua 1 verse 9 and shared what we thought it meant:

David and Goliath
We looked at a very famous story in the Bible about David and Goliath. Goliath is described in the Bible as a ferocious champion of the Philistine army. He was almost three metres tall and had weapons and armour to match his scale. It must have taken tremendous courage to stand against him. David didn’t even fight Goliath with a sword and armour. Instead he used nothing but his shepherd’s tools: a staff, some stones and a sling. Enjoy watching a different version of the story and think about the following questions:
How did David show courage?
What gave David the courage he needed?
How can you overcome your 'giant' challenges?
Daniel and the Lion's Den
We have also looked at the story Daniel and the Lion's Den. Here is a different version of the story. Remind yourself of how courageous Daniel was when he was thrown into a pit of lions. Remember how he chose to trust God despite his very scary circumstances.
What gave Daniel courage was not his own strength or power, but knowing that God was with him and would protect him. Who is there fore you when you need them to be?
Which quote about courage is your favourite? Why?

Have a look at our responses to Big Questions all linked to courage.