"Design is not just what it looks like or feels like. Design is how it works" - Steve Jobs
What is the purpose of DT? (Intent)
We have designed our design technology curriculum so that our learners:
- Develop a creative, technical and imaginative thinking and the confidence to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
- Develop their technical knowledge in order to design and make prototypes and test their ideas and problem-solving skills
- Take an interest in the technological processes involved in the products which surround them, and to recognise the contribution of technology to society
- Are encouraged to critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products
- Are able to select appropriate tools and techniques when making a product and to give them the skills needed to follow safe procedures
- Find enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose in designing and making things.
How do we teach DT (Implementation)
Our design technology curriculum is taught:
- Through the delivery of carefully planned units of work that cover the core National Curriculum expectations from EYFS through to KS2
- By units that are delivered following the design process: plan, design, make and evaluate
- To encourage children to be hands-on in the classroom and teaching a range of skills whilst ensuring they are aware of health and safety issues related to the tasks undertaken
- So that children are encouraged to apply skills to solve problems individually and in collaborative groups. This enables children to have ownership of their own learning and satisfaction in the outcomes.
What is the impact of DT on our pupils (Impact)
The impact of the design technology curriculum at All Saints’ Primary can be seen through:
- Our children are able to solve real-life practical problems using innovation and creativity working both individually and collaboratively
- Our children are able to choose from and use a growing range of tools and materials
- Our children develop resilience, skills and learning attributes which they can use beyond school
- Our children are able to use and understand richer technical vocabulary associated with DT
- Our children can prepare a range of healthy varied and nutritious dishes.
Why Miss Thorpe chose to lead DT:
I have always enjoyed being creative! As a young child, I always enjoyed making 'inventions' being creative and seeing the process develop before my eyes with a bit of effort and imagination. Getting messy was an added bonus in my eyes!
At All Saints', we believe that D.T is so important in teaching us skills about everyday life. It teaches us some of the most important life skills that we need to know to get by in our everyday world through developing our knowledge and problem-solving skills that prepares us for the ever changing world in which we live. D.T enables us to actively contribute to our community through encouraging creativity, culture, and well-being of ourselves. We encourage children to explore the world around them and ask those questions of 'How does that work?' and 'What happens if I ...?'
Through DT we are able to take risks and with reflection through our topics and projects, we are able to develop a way to become more resourceful, inventive and build initiative for our future.