Autumn Term 2024
Welcome to Year 2!
I hope you have all had a lovely summer and I can’t wait to find out what you have all been up to!
Here’s some information about what we have lined up for you all in the Autumn term of Year 2!
In Maths we will be focusing on the topics of place value, addition and subtraction before moving onto shape.
In English, we will be writing out own narrative setting descriptions, instruction writing, fairy stories and writing letters to Santa. We will explore a range of fiction and non-fiction texts within this ensuring time to read and enjoy new books.
In Science, we will be covering two units:
During these units the children will have the chance to explore different living things and their habitats, identifying how a habitat provides animals and plants with what they need to survive. We will then recognise and recall how animals get their food from both plants and other animals.
In RE, we will be focusing on two big questions
In our first unit, we will be exploring the Jewish story of Creation and exploring what Shabbat is alongside the artefacts associated with Shabbat.
In our second unit, we will look at different traditions of Christmas and Eid-ul-Fitr and how these are celebrated. We will explore how these traditions draw a community together and what this both looks and feels like.
In Geography our big question is- Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold climate?
We will be exploring our world, naming and locating the seven continents, locating the North and South Poles and the equator on a world map. We will also investigate the weather and explaining whether we live in a hot or cold place.
In History our big question is- How was school different in the past?
We will be comparing our school to school life in the past by identifying three key features of a classroom now and a classroom 100 years ago, identifying both similarities and differences. I wonder if you would prefer school life now or then?
In our DT lessons, we will be making a chair for Baby Bear. We will start by considering how to create a stable structure and what will make a chair stable. We will then produce a model that supports a teddy, explaining how we made our model strong, stiff and stable.
We will also have lots of other exciting projects this Autumn term!
In Computing we will be identifying what is a computer being able to name some comput peripherals and their functions, recognising that buttons cause effect and explain that technology follows instructions. By the end of our learning we will be able to recognise different forms of technology and design an invention which includes inputs and outputs.
In Art we will be focusing on drawing by developing a range of mark making techniques to create textures. We will then explore observational drawing, discussing how to apply expression to illustrate a character.
Families and relationships
In PSHE we will be discussing families and relationships considering what others may be thinking or feeling in different situations, understanding expectations of manner and how these change and remembering people who are important to us but no longer here.
Health and wellbeing
During health and wellbeing we will explore the benefits of physical activity, what it means to have a healthy diet, looking after our teeth and using breathing exercises to relax. We will also explore our own strengths and how to set ourselves achievable goals.
This term we will be exploring animals. The children will continue to develop their speaking and listening skills of Spanish by saying phrases and key words.
PE kit
Our PE day is on Tuesday, please can children come to school wearing their full PE kit on this day each week. This is a white top and school burgundy shorts with trainers. When the weather is cold, pupils may wear a plain tracksuit.
Forest School
Forest school will take place on Tuesday mornings. Please can we ask that children bring a change of footwear and socks, wellies are preferable but any spare footwear will do. This will ensure that all the children can enjoy these sessions whatever the weather outside and have warm and dry footwear to change back into afterwards.
Mathletics homework is set on a Friday each week and should be completed for the following Friday. All children who complete this earn an extra break on a Friday afternoon. If it has not been completed, this time is an opportunity where we can support children in completing the work.
We also ask that reading is completed five times a week for at least five minutes and recorded in their reading records. Children may wish to read to themselves, but we ask that their reading records are still signed by an adult. They do not need to only read the book they are currently reading at school, but instead could choose to read anything that they are interested in
We will use Marvellous Me to keep you up-to-date with the children’s learning and to send home any reminders. If you have any questions or wish to get in touch, please email
Miss Kadlec, Mrs Ford & Mrs Wrycraft
Useful terminology and guides
Maths Songs
Number Bonds to 10
Games & Activities to keep you moving
There are lots of ideas here which can be completed indoors or out.
Fancy doing something extra?