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Year 6

The Spring Term in Year 6!


I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and 'Happy New Year'. I can't believe how quickly this academic year is going and shocked that we are already starting our second term in year 6!


This term, you will see that lots of our learning is linked to World War II and I'm sure that the children are  going to enjoy the topic! 


Here's some information about what we have lined up for you all in Year 6! 




In Maths this term, we will be focusing on some new maths units as we introduce the children to ratio and algebra. We will then move onto building further on the children's previous learning on decimals, statistics (data) and percentages. As always, we will still continue to practice the four operations- addition, subtraction, multiplication and division- to make sure that the children are still very confident with these methods and can apply their knowledge for problems solving activities.



In English, we will linking our reading and writing to our WWII topic and I'm expecting some impressive writing to come from these units. We will cover a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, including newspaper reports, diaries, narratives and some War time poetry added in too!  We will continue to build on our reading skills by practising comprehension skills needed for understanding and inferring texts and developing our knowledge of vocabulary.



Within Science, we will be investigating 'light and reflections' which will enable children to explore the pathway of light and how our eyes see. In the second part of the term, we will then change our focus to a biology unit on evolution where the children will explore how our planet and it's inhabitants have changed over time.




In RE, we will be focusing on the big question: How does religion bring conflict and peace?

 In our this unit, the children will explore events through history involving different religions and how these events enabled people to learn from the past and become better citizens in the future. 



In Geography, we will be answering the following question: Where does our energy come from? The children will explore changes in energy sources across time, finding out about the effects of global warming and how scientific developments have helped to use sustainable energy across the planet.




In History, we will be answering the following question: What impact did World War Two have on the British people? This topic is sure to grab the children's interest and I'm excited for the learning to begin! It's always a topic that I find children enjoy exploring and can relate to the stories of this time in history, as well as looking deeper into the lives of people from the past that lived in our local area. We also have planned a trip to Duxford so children can experience some of the magnificent artefacts in real-life.




During our Art lessons, children will be building on and developing their drawing skills. We will explore the work of artists from around the world and investigate out line, shape and tone can create impressive designs on paper.



Our D&T lessons this term will ,again, link to our topic on WWII- textiles and making waistcoats. The children will learn through this unit the importance of the British people being able to 'make do and mend' and how the ability to make clothes from any material they could find was a skill that all families needed to master. Through this unit, children will develop their research skills, design and needlework skills.   



In our Computing sessions, we will learn about data systems and develop our own skills of collecting and representing data in spreadsheets. The children always impress me so much with their enthusiasm and subject knowledge of computing and I'm sure this topic will be no different! :-) 


In Music this term, children will use the song 'Happy by Pharell Williams' as a focus for their learning. They will learn how music and songs are composed with different voices, singing different parts. I'm sure the children will really enjoy this unit with such an up-beat and modern song as their focus.



Within our Spanish lessons, we will be covering two units: El fin de semana y Yo en el mundo. We will learn how to tell the time accurately in Spanish and learn how to say what activities we do at the weekend. 


After half term, we will learn about the many countries in the world that speak Spanish and about different festivals around the world. 



In our PSHE lessons, our unit will be 'Well-being' and learning all about the importance of looking after our mind, as well as our bodies. Children will learn skills in breaking down goals and tasks into smaller steps and ways to help when feeling stressed and anxious in every day situations.   


PE and Forest School

PE and Forest School days will be every Wednesday and we ask that on this day, pupils come into school in their PE kit (burgundy shorts, white t-shirt of polo shirt and trainers). Long hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed. During colder days, children should wear a plain tracksuit.


For Forest School, we also ask that children bring a change of footwear and socks. It will be cold and wet outside as we come into winter so please make sure children have appropriate clothing and footwear with them. Wellies are ideal footwear for this, but any spare footwear will do. This will ensure that all the children can enjoy these sessions whatever the weather outside and have warm and dry footwear to change back into afterwards.




Mathletics and grammar activities are set on a Friday each week and should be completed for the following Friday. All children who complete this earn an extra break on a Friday afternoon. If it has not been completed, this time is instead used as an opportunity where we can support children in completing the work. 


As in previous years, we also ask that reading is completed at home throughout the week- at least 3 times for at least five minutes and that this is recorded in their reading records. Reading at home helps build a love of reading and also develops children's ability to concentrate on their reading for a longer period of time. The more children read, the better they are at it! Children may wish to read to themselves, but we ask that their reading records are still signed by an adult. They do not need to only read the book they are currently reading at school, but instead could choose to read anything that they are interested in.


As always, please contact me if you have any questions, queries, concerns and any information that you feel may help for me to know! Emails will be up and running as we start the new academic year and I will always get back to you as soon as I can. If not, feel free to catch me on the gate or call the school's office and I will help how ever I can.


Kind regards,

Miss Thorpe
