Welcome to Year 3!
This Autumn term in Year 3:
In Maths we will be focusing on the topics of place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.
In English, we will be writing our own fairy tales, poetry, historical fiction and play scripts.
We have lots of exciting questions to answer in our other lessons too!
History: Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Iron Age or Bronze Age?
Geography: Why do people live near volcanoes?
RE: What kind of world should we live in?
Science: Exploring the properties of rocks and soils, then we will be exploring light and shadows.
We will also have lots of exciting projects this Autumn term!
In DT we will be looking at the importance of eating seasonally, cooking and nutrition.
In Art we will be focusing on using shapes, shading and texture to enhance drawing skills.
In computing we will be learning about networks and the internet, followed by programming using Scratch.
In PSHE we will be thinking about family and relationships.
In Music we will learn to sing and play along with the song 'Let your Spirit Fly' and listen to and appraise other music too.
In Spanish we will learn the topics: I am learning Spanish and Fruits.
PE kit
Our PE day is on Wednesday, please can children come to school wearing their full PE kit on this day each week. This is a white top and school burgundy shorts with trainers. When the weather is cold, pupils may wear a plain tracksuit.
Forest School
Forest school will take place on Wednesday mornings. Please can we ask that children bring a change of footwear and socks, wellies are preferable but any spare footwear will do. This will ensure that all the children can enjoy these sessions whatever the weather outside and have warm and dry footwear to change back into afterwards.
Weekly spelling words are sent home on a Monday in your child's reading diary . We learn these words and spelling patterns throughout the week, but practising them at home can help to embed these spellings, ensuring your child can consistently use them within their writing.
Mathletics homework is set on a Friday each week and should be completed for the following Friday. All children who complete this earn an extra break on a Friday afternoon. If it has not been completed, this time is an opportunity where we can support children in completing the work.
We also ask that reading is completed five times a week, for at least five minutes and recorded in their reading diary. Children may read to themselves, but we ask that their reading diary is still signed by an adult. They can choose to read any book that they are interested in and enjoy reading.
We look forward to a really exciting Autumn Term together!
Mrs Fern, Ms Poole and Mrs Rosevear.