Some quotes which inspire, guide and shepherd the teaching of PE at All Saints.
"If you had fun, then you won!"
"Every winner was once a beginner."
What is the purpose of PE? (Intent)
We have designed our PE curriculum so that our learners:
- Are provided with high quality PE teaching, sporting learning opportunities and sports provision which is inclusive for all and engages all pupils in a supportive and challenging environment.
- Are inspired to become active generation who enjoy PE, encourage each other and achieve at their own level.
- Are educated in the benefits of sport and exercise, leading to long term healthy and active lifestyles.
- Are supported in becoming resilient and reflective whilst striving for personal excellence and displaying an understanding of the fairness and equality of play which epitomises good sportsmanship.
- Adopt a positive growth mindset and with the belief that their goals can be achieved with determination, persistence and resilience.
- Are taught to value collaboration so that the benefits of cooperation and teamwork become clear.
- Compete appropriately against others; celebrating their own and others sporting achievements and successes with maturity.
How do we teach PE? (Implementation)
Our PE curriculum is taught:
- By providing challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; invasion games, target games, striking and fielding events, gymnastics, dance and swimming.
- Ensuring the requirements of the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework are met following our long-term PE curriculum overview which sets out the units to be taught throughout the year, ensuring lessons are progressive.
- By delivering high quality PE lessons each week, covering a range and variety of sports and games each term. In addition, children are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities available before and after school
In addition:
- Through its membership of the Harwich Sports Association (HSA), children at All Saints’ have the opportunity to engage and compete in a wide variety of sporting competitions against other member schools.
- We have an annual sports day (split into EYFS/KS1 and KS2) with the emphasis on participation and achievement for all.
- Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will develop key swimming skills during the summer term.
- We offer a residential OAA residential experience for children in Year 6.
What is the impact of PE on our pupils? (Impact)
The impact of the PE curriculum at All Saints’ Primary can be seen through:
- Our children learning to take responsibility for their own health and fitness and many also enjoying the success of competitive sports and the benefits of an active, healthy lifestyle.
- Our children being inspired to have a love of sport and to grow up to have happy and healthy lives; utilising the skills and knowledge they have acquired through PE.
- Our children becoming stewards of their own learning (both in and out of the classroom) and supporting their peers to develop and excel in sport and across the curriculum.
- Our children showing a willingness and ability to try new sports and activities, push themselves and persevere in light of new challenges.
PE Subject Lead: Miss Thorpe
From a young child, I have always enjoyed sports and saw it as an opportunity to have fun with friends. The thrill and excitement of being part of a team, pushing yourself to the limit and waiting to see the outcome of a match was an adrenaline rush that I always loved and thrived for. During my time growing up, it was always football and netball that became my true passions. Cheering on your favourite football team with family, chanting songs and roaring in excitement, whilst checking out their tactics, was always so enjoyable for me. My dedication in playing sport though was through netball. I've always enjoyed travelling to other towns, playing netball and I was lucky enough to continue my love of netball into coaching the younger generation of players in different parts of Essex.
As PE has the potential to establish positive approaches to life; approaches which can last a lifetime and have life-long effects on health - physical, mental and emotional. People are far more likely to participate in what they enjoy and an intention to create enjoyment is the foundation of PE at All Saints'. The intention is that, working from that broad base of enjoyment, the self-esteem of pupils will be raised and that this will then motivate pride in their own performance and help to cultivate a desire to experience the pride and esteem of representing the school in sports and competition. This will then in turn feed back into the school community, creating positive role models, promoting ambition and fostering the joy of participation, thus creating a cycle of positivity and belonging which may, hopefully, last a lifetime.
Pupils’ opinions of PE at All Saints’
“I like the games but I enjoyed basketball most of all”.
”I absolutely love it! I like being outside and running around.”
”I loved the rugby tournament when we played against Year 3 and the other house teams.”
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