We have got lots of exciting learning taking place during Spring term in Reception. In Art, our topic is ‘Paint my world’ and we will be exploring different forms of painting before creating collages inspired my Megan Coyle. In Science, we will be exploring what plants need to grow and looking into their life cycles. In History we will be going back in time to the past and learning about what a day in the life of a Victorian child was like at school! Our RE topic will have us discussing what is right and what is wrong and then learning will move on later in the term to understanding why Christians put a cross in their Easter garden. In Geography we will be learning about the environment around us and discussing what a ‘Pirate’ might find if they were to ever visit our hometown of Harwich. In DT we will be learning where different foods come from and will have the chance to make our very own healthy fruit salads. In PSHE we will be working on building our resilience when tackling challenges and also the importance of personal hygiene such as handwashing and dental health. In music we will be playing the Glockenspiels and last but not least, computing will have us exploring hardware and taking pictures of our learning. I hope you’re all looking forward to getting stuck in!
Our PE day is a Friday. Children will need to come to school already dressed in their PE kits for this please. Friday will also be our ‘Forest Friday’ Session so children will need appropriate clothing for this also depending on the weather. A change of footwear such as Wellies is also very important for these sessions.
I cannot wait to get stuck into our fun-filled (and very busy) first term and I hope you’re looking forward to what we’ve got planned to! Please do not hesitate to email if you have any questions and be sure to look out for ‘home challenges’ set on Marvellous Me.
Mrs R :)