Home Page


Autumn Term

Hello all and welcome to your very first class page! We have got lots of exciting learning taking place during your first term at school. We will spend the first couple of weeks really getting to know each other and settling into school life and routines.

In PSHE this term we will be looking at our feelings with the colour monster and then celebrating our different families and friends. In Art we will be making lots of different marks in our ‘marvellous marks’ topic and our DT topic will have us junk modelling. During Science this half term we will be looking at what we can see in our world around us, so will be spending lots of time outside exploring! We will also be looking into how animals change both through life cycles and from young to adult later on in the second half of the Autumn term.

In History, we will be looking at how toys have changed over time and discussing similarities and differences between those we play with today and those that mums and dads played with when they were little.  In RE, we will be looking at how people celebrate and will be focusing on the religion of Hinduism and their celebration of Diwali. Then, before Christmas we will be looking at what happens in church and linking this to the importance of the Nativity story for Christians! In Geography we will be looking at what our world looked like when dinosaurs roamed and how this has changed over time. In Computing, we will be looking at what a computer is and then work on our keyboard and mouse skills and, last but not least we will be creating, performing and singing in our Music topic of ‘Me!’


Our PE day is a Friday. Children will need to come to school already dressed in their PE kits for this please. Friday will also be our ‘Forest Friday’ Session so children will need appropriate clothing for this also depending on the weather. A change of footwear such as Wellies is also very important for these sessions.

I cannot wait to get stuck into our fun-filled (and very busy) first term and I hope you’re looking forward to what we’ve got planned to! Please do not hesitate to email if you have any questions and be sure to look out for ‘home challenges’ set on Marvellous Me!

Mrs R x

Guided Reading
